Learn how to show up confidently as the powerful woman you are in 5 days.

As a woman who has succeeded greatly in your career, if you’re experiencing lack of success in other areas of your life, you are left discouraged and riddled with self-doubt.

You may just consistently be choosing the wrong relationships, struggling to parent in a healthy way as a mom, or being overlooked at work no matter how decorated you are. I was there, but overcame. Now all I wish for is for you to do the same.

In 5 days, you’re going to learn from me, a Christian-based Female Identity & Inner Work Coach how you can attain the confidence you need to show up in every area of your life as a woman destined for greater things!


How this program will help you

Discover your true nature as a female and learn the secrets of attaining the confidence to get to the things you really really desire. I know, just like me, you know that you’re MEANT FOR SOMETHING GREATER! It starts here darling.๐Ÿ’

Embrace Your Female Identity

It's only through embracing our nature & purpose as females that we can thrive and live the harmonious lives we were created for.

Affirm Your Self-Worth

Start putting yourself out there and stop playing and accepting small. You're meant for greater things.

Prioritise Self-Love

By loving and being gracious to yourself, you are in a position to put your healthiest self forward.

Hey darling๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿผ, I’m Dr. Shibu 

I’m a pathologist by profession, and NLP certified Female Mindset Coach by passion.

I love helping high achieving women achieve their healthiest female sense of worth, so they can get the confidence to live the lives they really wish for.

If you’re ready to elevate your confidence and show up in the world as your authentic female self, this 5-day program will help.

become a more confident feminine you Starting Today!
get the program NOW FOR FREE!

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